To Die For Blu-Ray
Blu Ray version!
If you love this country then you are gonna love this movie.
It’s my answer to some of the nonsense going on here lately this is the movie Newsmax called “The most Patriotic film of 2023!”
Also available in regular DVD.
Available with no autograph, with autograph and with autograph and personalized (different prices).
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Jason A.
Excellent movie super fast shipping
MIke F.
Awesome movie. Thank you
Michael D.
Being a veteran myself it kind of hit home. Why do we have to cowtowm to people who hate America?
Andrew S.
Great job
Stefan B.
Was a great movie, only problem I had was audio changed to mostly treble through most of the movie.
Karen F.
This was a great movie. I noticed how it reflects the feelings of a lot of America!
Heath B.
Wow! It was exactly what I asked for and was delivered super fast! Thanks for taking great care of me!
Donald M.
I unfortunately had to watch the view the movie- I upgraded my TV but my Bluray only has RCA cable. After a converter box the movie showed great. Like the premise of patriotism. I thought I heard at the beginning that it said he was a MOH (medal of honor) recipient but not mentioned again. I fly my flag everyday and at night (with lights), I also have a flag off the back of my motorcycle. I was disappointed with the ending which I won't be specific about because I do not want to ruin the movie for others.
Lisa M.
The movie had a good premise, plot and message. But I could barely handle the cheap green screen craziness and poor character development. The police in town were a joke.
Sorry Mr Schneider, but there's a reason you are grappling for money. I have written Luke Blount to get my money back. I'll happily pass on this DVD.
Originally I bought it as a gift to my brother for his birthday, but not gonna give it to him.
Michael R.
Good movie!
Terry M.
Audrey W.
I really enjoyed the movie John. Thank you for all the wonderful years with myself growing up watching the dukes of hazard and all your movies. It was part of the most memorable part of my childhood and life. You are such a good person and thank you for the movie.
Terrence T.
I enjoyed it
Brian N.
Miguel M.
Great Movie
God Bless America
Holly L.
It's a Christmas gift so I cannot show it off, it's wrapped up
clifton a.
I didn't realize it was a blue ray disc and have no way to watch the darn thing. I don't wish to buy that player just to watch 1 disc. I would like the disc in the old format to watch this movie. If that is possible ?
Arnold H.
Great movie
Brian M.
A great movie I love it
karen s.
Love ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️
Charlotte S.
Thank you so much for the making of this movie.
John T.
As a combat veteran, I can relate to this movie. This was an amazing story. People need to see this.
Bryan D.
I'm a 26.5 yr retired Army veteran SFC-E7 and a proud Patriot and I love my country and my Flag this was a great movie. There should be more people like myself if not leave this great Country. I also worked Home Land Security for 10 yrs .
Anthony S.
Good story with a really serious message about patriotism and loving your country. As a veteran myself it tugged at my heart strings. The only negative about it was the camera angles, which I found a little annoying but other than that it was a good movie.
Lori B.
Loved the movie and the plot!
David L.
Great movie, great message! I wish more people were patriotic in this country!
Roger Y.
Great movie and think you for making it
Norman H.
The Movie, and the CD... were both Outstanding. John, you tell the story very clear in the movie. As for the CD, ... I will not spoil it for others.
Elizabeth R.
Faaaaaaaaaaaaast shipping and thank you for the Music CD! Awesome experience all around.
Shawn K.
John Schneider's "To die for" looked kind of like a patriotic, feel-good, Hallmark family style movie. In reality, it was worse than a high school students film project. Instead of filming at real locations like a restaurant, a courthouse, a school, and things like that, they used green screens. You could totally tell it was fake locations, and it looked bad. Then, when were people talking and holding a conversation, they would usually have one person on the screen at a time, and then the camera would stop, and then start filming the other person responding to them. You could tell that they were not in the same room when they recorded it. The sound was bad in some area's of the movie as well. Then on top of it, it was kind of a dark movie and it had a sad ending. I was disappointed. The best part of the movie was the trailer because the trailer looked somewhat decent. I'm still wondering why they decided to release this movie. It had an okay story line, but that should have been changed a little bit to put a positive light on the main character. The main character should have been redeemed by the time the movie ended. This movie should be somewhat rewritten so the main character is shown in a positive light, then it should be re-casted and filmed properly. The movie had a good concept and a somewhat ok storyline, but the movie just wasn't quite there yet.
Jeff R.
Great movie and album
Raymond F.
A great Patriotic flick, enjoyed it immensely.
Charles O.
Excellent movie
Kris S.
Liked it
Michele R.
Good show, great point made.
Robert W.
John, this is a wonderful DVD movie. Just what the country needs. Thanks so much for making it.
Terry A.
I really liked the movie. My wife and I have watched it a couple times. My son is watching it now.
Michele B.
Awesome movie!!!!
Robert S.
I must have gotten a bad copy. The sound quality was very poor most of the time. It would clear up then go "bad" again, sounded tinny and distant. That bothered me a lot. The videography was so-so. So of the close-up shots of the actors/actresses looked like they were "pasted" in the scene, but I'm sure they weren't. Maybe its just me. One scene repeated itself twice, where the young guys were hot-wiring the truck...out of sequenced, so I blame that on poor editing. John's acting was awesome, but the story was somewhat weak. The script was good. I understand what the intent was of the story, it just wasn't well made. I was really looking forward to the whole movie after seeing the previews but was utterly disappointed.
Terri C.
Amazing , watched the movie as soon as it arrived in the mail .
Stephen J.
Great movie…thank you!
Norman R.
Watched it with my wife and it was a very true to the way the world is going movie. I'm a 45 year firefighter , 30 year fire chief who doesn.t understand the disrespect that the younger generation has for our flag or our veterans. Keep making the movies that tell it like it is
Mary M.
I loved this movie reminded me of my boyfriend that died he was in Vietnam Nam he had ptsd but hung his flag up every day thank you for making this movie
Robert G.
the movie is truely amazing and what so many people think and talk about but no one will do anything like this to get people to open their eyes and think for themselves. Great movie John and GOD bless you for the courage to make a movie like this.
Frank K.
The Film quality is a little low. The story is excellent.
Phillip H.
I tried the disc in both of my BluRay players. Neither could read the disc. Will be contacting for a refund. Ordered the DVD and hope it will work.
Armando H.
Good transaction
William A.
Thanks for getting the dvd here so fast! And thank you for the extra music cd!
Coralie B.
I enjoyed the movie.
John G.
I am a Veteran and I love America Flag and the country that stands under it. I love the movie and what it is saying. Yes this is the country today and we are weakling because of it. True Americans love this country and the Flag. Thank you John Schneider for making this movie it is how we all should feel about America and the Flag. God Bless America and the Flag for which it stands.
Connie G.
Love the story line, film quality could be better. Thank you for everything you do and just being you! Couldn’t be any better!
Richard H.
Storyline was great, but the filming was not that great could tell some scenes were filmed with some type of background.
David T.
It's a great movie. It's nice to see a movie where people stand up for what they believe in "America " Not Bow Down for what others "think" they believe in.
Robert L.
Excellent movie. I’ve always liked John. Well worth buying. I bought it because I’m a vet and the subject matter meant a lot to me. Thanks John for your great work.
Howard's W.
We loved the message that the movie told. It's sad but true how American don't respect our Flag and unfortunately many aren't aware what it represents. There are so many service member's and families that took a stand, fought for her, and lost they're lives for what she represents, so others have their rights. All I can say is our Flag stand proud at our house everday and no one better tell us to take her down
Barbara U.
Loved the movie and the CD…
Cindy S.
Love the movie! Very nice gesture to enclose a CD as well! I am sharing the movie with my parents now. Thank you for fighting for our country!
James F.
Fast shipping and great movie!!!!
Wyatt F.
This is a MUST SEE!!!!! John nailed this role. For all Patriots. I'll be buying more for Christmas Gifts.
Steve R.
Great movie
Jennifer B.
It was a good to the point movie. Just wish it wasn’t as raw up close shots to the actors, I understand the reason, as if you were in their shoes but to me it was a little bit forced. The overall perspective was good.
Ramona C.
Pretty good movie and CD
Dan B.
I watched the Dukes as long as I can remember (Born in 76). I fly the flag from sun up to sun down. Take care and keep doing what you do!!!
great movie
Bill A.
It’s great to see independent movies still being made like this. Much enjoyed by my son and me. Keep up the positive messages!
David F.
I ordered the autographed BluRay but received the DVD. Still autographed and looks amazing but I would like the BluRay, please.
garon k.
Awesome movie loved it and will watch many times! It's fourth of July all year at my house as well.
Patrick C.
I got the music and signed video. I payed extra for the signed video I wish I could actually see the signature better.
It was signed in the dark area of the picture at the bottom it sure would had stood out better if signed in the lighter area near the top.
Was a little disappointed.
Andrew M.
Thanks for a great movie, i have always been a patriot and I understand the sacrifices that the men and women who serve have made for this country and under our flag. I am exactly like Quint in the movie, if you can stand for the flag and respect what it stands for and don't like America then there is the door! Great movie and great buying experience!!!
Michelle B.
The way this was filmed makes it seem so raw and real. John you really got your point out with this movie. I am so glad you were able to share this adventure with Alicia before her passing.
Yee Haw!!
Fan for life since I was a wee one!
Dortha (Sissie) H.
I really enjoyed the movie and what it stands for! Need more patriotic movies, people, etc. in our country. Thank you for the courage to do such a movie.
Andrew C.
I have received the DVD but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I received it pretty quick. About a week from time I ordered. Can't wait to watch, the trailer looks amazing and I am sure that the movie won't disappoint. Keep up all the good work you are doing. I am a veteran and wish everyone would realize how much we have sacrificed and gave so that ALL Americans can enjoy the freedom we have here in America!
Thank you John Schneider!