**NEW** To Die For DVD with Bonus Features
New Bonus Features included!
If you love this country then you are gonna love this movie.
It’s my answer to some of the nonsense going on here lately this is the movie Newsmax called “The most Patriotic film of 2023!”
Also available in Blu Ray.
Available with no autograph, with autograph and with autograph and personalized (different prices).
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greta t.
Loved the movie
So very true of the America we grew up in but not today. Thank you John for standing up for what we the true American people still believe in. I cried at the end of the movie and was proud of the Indian for putting the flag back up
Suzanne S.
Very poor quality DVD other than that great movie every American should watch.
brian a.
Excellent Movie Standing up For our Flag Our Fore Father's Stood up And Give there Lives for our Flag I would do the Same!!! Thank You For Making such A Great Movie God Bless America!!!!!!!
James U.
Great movie...True American Patriotism...
Andrew F.
Love John!!
Jesse S.
Tommy B.
Was a very good movie we just watched it
Hope J.
Awesome movie
Great item and movie! Speedy delivery! Thanks John!
David s.
This is a great movie. I enjoyed it.
Keli K.
Great movie with a fantastic message.
Kevin K.
Gary M.
I relate to the longing for the freedom and the love for the flag. I wish the dog hadn’t been killed
Todd H.
What a great patriotic story that is well played on all parts, woulda loved to see the star QB arrested but such a great movie that definitely needs to be watched by every American.
Thanks to John Schneider for putting this message out there.
Benjamin B.
Well sir I just got back from the mail box and I'm gonna pop the DVD in to the player ASAP.
Then I'll give a better review. But from the ads I saw of it it looks like a good movie.
chris p.
haven't been able to watch it, don't have a dvd player.someday
paul b.
Fast and reliable... Product is always high quality... Thanks,,,, Paul
john k.
Tim L.
Seen this addvertised on the internet. Wife and I ride funeral escorts for military and first responders funerals and love these kind of movies. Im also retired military. Good movie and worth seeing.
Michelle W.
My husband and I really enjoyed the movie. It had a great storyline. I appreciate a story about the liberal changes in America and how some Americans still value, what some consider, old fashion American values.
Edward D.
Great movie. Thank you for the quality content
Brian T.
Great story and timely too.
Michael M.
Great movie. Keep up the good work.
Laura L T.
Kevin G.
Good movie
Donna L.
I love the movie It is so true for this day Our kids respect nothing They are raised with no values What is this country coming to If things don’t change God help us and that is the only thing that can help us is God GOD PLEASE HELP THE USA
We watched last night and love it we were amazed how well done
Tim S.
Had a little problem with shipping but the package finally arrived 2 days late
Charles W.
Charles W.
Michael M.
I liked it but all the circumstances seem unreal. Things left open like what happened to woman that committed murder
Robert L.
Awesome movie.
Terri G.
I received my movie, To Die For, and absolutely loved it. I know my boyfriend will love it too and can't wait to watch it again with him!
Jimmy T.
Received the DVD recently. Shipping was very quick! I haven't had time to watch it yet but will as soon as I can. Watching the trailer for the movie has me excited to see it. GOD bless you John and team and thanks for making this movie! It is something we patriots would love to see more of.
Rebecca H.
Bought as a gift for the hubby’s 65th birthday,he was absolutely shocked! The movie is fantastic,we’ve both been fans since The Dukes and will continue to be. Yee Haw and God Bless America!
Alessandra R.
Love the DVD. John Schneider is such a talented actor, singer, and overall good guy! Kudos!!
We loved the movie!!
Tami E.
I great video loved it thank u
Rick S.
The basis of the story was fantastic. Someone willing to lay their life down for what they believe in. I'm no film critic but I do enjoy your acting. In my personal opinion, I found it somewhat "sketchy" in parts. Being a retired US Army Infantry veteran and a Vietnam veteran, I immediately identified with the character portrayed. But some of the scenes didn't tend to be as realistic as I thought they could have been. Especially the "getting shot" scenes. I never remember anyone being as calm about being shot. I would love to see another venture with more realism and a bit more intensity in the supporting actors. But that is my opinion only. Not trying to put the film down but just some constructive criticism. If you are ever in need a Technical Advisor (no charge, just the honor of working with you), look me up. You have my email. Once I get my retired and disability checks, I plan to visit the store. Take care and God Bless y'all.
Ric S.
Storyline was great. Cinematic movie side of it was rather worse than a B side movie.
But it as a great movie.
John M.
I've wanted to see this for sometime, so when I saw the add I Jumped on it
Charles W.
have not received 01/25/2025. will change rating when I receive.
William M.
Still haven't received the video.
Tammy W.
Love it. Have been seeing the clips on Facebook for awhile and decided to buy it, so glad I did. I also own WWJD and of course ALL episodes of Dukes !!!!
Cheryl R.
good story...
Amy S.
Love this movie!!!!❤️
Thank you so much for showing what people need to be reminded of. God Bless America!
Lance H.
I liked this one a lot more than the Stand on it DVD that I had purchased. I stand with him on his views morals and ethics in this movie. Stand for what the people sacrificed so much for us to enjoy for some snooty left wing liberal retards tell us how to think or speak. Stay true to oneself
Al L.
Loved the movie To Die For!
Kevin O.
Great movie
Buddy T.
DVD was a gift
Richard H.
It looked like I was watching a high-school class project. The actors often looked like they were performing in front of a really bad green screen experiment. I thought To Die For would be an inspirational film but wow was that not the case. I watched the whole movie and then tossed it in the trash. I've never done that before in my life. Was the message that patriotic Americans are crazy? I will not recommend this garbage.
Zachary G.
I love the movie I grew up watching the Dukes of Hazzard it has been a family thing my grandma and my mom watched the show as my mom was growing up.
Rhonda J.
I like everything I purchased.
Caren M.
I have been a fan of yours for a very long time... very excited to follow you on your adventures
Randy P.
I sent a message on your email, it basically says how much this DVD effected my wife and myself. We have been running a non profit Veterans organization for over 30 yrs. As someone who sees the hardships of our Veterans daily,we feel ever American should have to see this DVD. My congratulations go out to John and everyone involved in this production. You really touched my soul..
Ricky K.
Love the DVD you tell it like it is about the America flag and for the veterans in this country and the pride of the flag.
Charles E.
John D.
I enjoyed the storyline of the movie very much. It shows very well what is going on in our country. My heart was with the main character all the way through. I agreed 100 percent with the sentiment. But I was taken back by the amount of foul language in the movie. I know a part was being played. But being a Christian, I did not care for the seemingly incessant language being spewed out. Thinking it was a family movie I was totally surprised. Maybe that could be taken into consideration next time. Just my suggestion.
Donna H.
Thank You!
Carol K.
I loved it. I am a 15 yr Army Veteran, and the Flag means everything to me. Our country needs to get back to patriotism. We need the American Flag in our school class rooms and the American Allegiance needs to be taught and said.
Carl E.
EXCELLENT! John and the rest of the cast performed superlatively!
Very Patriotic and thought evoking.
Charles G.
So many are complaining about how poorly it's made.. BUT if hollyweird had been involved it wouldn't be as powerful as it is!!.. It's the truth in raw form as it should be to show the exact truth of the state of America!!.. There isn't any of this woke BS just in your face truth!!.. As a vet it really shows our love of country and that we're the true patriots of America!!.. So glad I bought it and job well done!!!..
James H.
I wish more patriots were like this in life and defend our flag under every cost.
Edith M.
Love this movie I recommend it for everyone to watch
Daryl C.
Loved the movie!!
James S.
Enjoyed the support of the overall concept of patriotism. Thanks.
aemi t.
Disappointed in the end. The jock kid still don't get it. The school still don't get it.
Cindy B.
It was a great movie. So wish all Americans felt that way. Truly sad what this world is turning into.
Charlotte S.
I felt the story line wasn't what I was expecting.
Edward & Karen E.
Exemplifies our love of the flag and country
A glimpse inside a veterans mind. Thought I knew what PTSD was, but I was wrong.
John's great love for this country is infectious. We need so much more of it. We are headed in the right direction with the election of another great patriot, Trump!
Anthony C.
I received my order quickly. I love the movie and the patriotic message. Well done John Schneider
Scott F.
This is a great movie and John Schneider has been 1 of my favorite actors since he played Bo Duke in The Dukes of Hazzard. This movie really hits home and this is a great depiction of that.
Sharon R.
Have always loved you since my boys Shawn and Gaylon Ridenour from Hugo Oklahoma grew up watching Dukes of Hazard and l have a picture of my son Shawn at one of your Duke Fest with you
Brian H.
The service is great. The product is great. The mind set and ideals are great. Thanks for the bonus music CD "We're Still Us" It's fabulous as is the movie "To Die For." Thanks again, Brian
Steve L.
Robert W.
Thanks for making this movie with your own money.......Its a shame more people dont stand or stand up for the flag...........
Yolanda R.
Every family needs to show this to the younger generation! We need to get the values of our grandparents & great grandparents back!
Bryan C.
Cynthia K.
Enjoyed the movie. Of course I cried a few times. Only issue (?) I had was it wouldn’t play in full screen.
Tina M.
It was so refreshing to see a man standing up for our flag. And the way he missed his wife was so touching. Do see that kind of LOVE very often.
Evelyn B.
Very good movie. I plan on watching it with my friend Arthur he is 88.
Sandra M.
Great movie! I am 68 so I totally relate to it!
Brenda D.
I just received it and looking forward to watching it!! Shipping was fast and thank you so much for including your CD, pleasantly surprised!!
Joel W.
I bought 2 copies of, "To Die For" after seeing the trailer about a year prior. Yes, I move slowly at times. It was well worth it! I like the artsy, warm feeling of the production also. It allows you to feel closer to the movie rather than a super, polished, Hollywood production. I ordered during the Christmas rush and still received my package within 10 days. The commentary is a great lil bobus that puts John right in your living room with you! Thx so much, I will return to the store soon. I still want "Christmas Cars!"
Yeeee-Hawww! Joel
James j.
Been a long time fan since Dukes of Hazzard !
Rodrigo R.
I am a patriot, I love my country and I am so sick and tired of whiny snowflake liberal being offended by everything. Thank you for making a movie about how a lot of us feel. God Bless You and this wonderful country we live in.
Dola G.
To be honest we haven't watched it...YET. We are saving it to watch the first night we spend in our new home. But I already know from the previews it deserves more than 5 stars!
Gordon S.
The picture quality was bad and the sound was like they was talking in a tunnel, it was nothing like the previews on TV showed.
James D.
I fly the flag
Kyle O.
Nice Patriotic video.
Michele C.
Love the video! Wish there were more like it! Unfortunately, some US citizens are too concerned with being politically correct. If you don't want to abide by the Constitution, move on.
Great movie and love the free gift. Purchased 2 gave one to my friend as a present. Her & her husband loved the movie also!
Barry C.
I like somebody showing American pride again. It’d be nice if we were proud to be Americans and that’s what we were taught. our children.
Vernon C.
Joseph R.
I liikèd the movie it was definitely patriotic. We'll worth it.
Amanda T.
Loved the movie but not the ending. Perfectly potrays what's going on in the world today. Sick and tired of hurting feelings, entitlement, and rights being removed to accommodate pansies!! Make America GREAT Again!
Randy A.
The Web Site was very easy to use, I can't wait to watch the movie.
Dennis W.
USA! Amen!